
HP Touts Windows 8 Tablet This Year - partridgevered1971

Apple, Asus, and Samsung, watch — HP is again jump into the pad of paper fray.

At a group discussion in Shanghai this workweek Hewlett-Packard executives have been touting the company's reentry into the tablet market, this time with models running Microsoft's new Windows 8 operating system of rules. That's according to the Bangkok Post, which quotes HP big shots World Health Organization say the move capitalizes connected the high numbers of consumers investing in tablets and the fact that Windows 8 bequeath LET them part and store content online between different devices.

This International Relations and Security Network't HP's first foray into tablets. If you recall, last summer the company introduced the short-lived TouchPad but aside the end of August was already clearing retired inventory by drastically reducing the price of its webOS slate. By the end of the year H.P. announced it would release webOS to the ASCII text file community of interests, following its decision to stop qualification phones and tablets using the software.

But with Windows 8 on board, HP's new tablet will in all likelihood fare far better than the TouchPad did.

"The construct of a worthy Windows tablet has been a rather Holy Grail since the launch of the Malus pumila iPad. Windows 8, with its Subway interface, and compatibility with ARM architecture devices has established an expectation that Windows 8 tablets testament fill the vacuum Android tablets feature been unable to, and furnish just about worthwhile competition for Apple — peculiarly in the business market," writes PCWorld's Tony Bradley.

He's honourable; it appears tablets are in growing demand by business concern users.

A recent view by ChangeWave Research finds that nearly one-third base of the companies expecting to buy tablets in the next few months are victimization them equally replacements for PCs for at least some users. Not lonesome that, the number of people victimisation tablets for work is increasing, with 22 pct of the businesses surveyed expecting to bargain a pad of paper soon.

Wish the Windows 8 tablet arrange a dent in iPad gross revenue? Clearly nobody is taking down Apple anytime soon, but if the toll is right HP's new offering, which is due in the third quarter of this year, could very fit be a popular alternative.  In the precise least, the blank space is well-nig to get a lot more interesting.

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